Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Universe

You have to watch The Universe, a Channel History serial. It's awesome, if are not idea about the things of the Universe, ¡n that videos you're going to understand everything and you're and going to learn a lot. But if know loads of things about the Universel, you are not going to  be bored, you're going to learn a lot of things too.
It's amazing. I'm very interesting in everything about the Universe and when I discovered that, I enjoyed a lot. Watch it!

This video is about Pulsars and Quasars (the video is in Spanish, but in Youtube the video is in English too) there are a lot of videos of this serial. This is one of the most amazing videos that I have watched.

Enjoy it!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Waiting March

This morning I went to Cartagena (to the hospital Sta Lucía, it's a very nice hospital). Finally I can go to Conservatory next Monday!! My knee is better and maybe I can train athletics on March, I want to train it now!! I want to be on March now because I'll train again and...
I have applied two years in a UWC and on March I'll know if I have to go to Madrid 1st April,
I have done a work to go to Colombia and Spain on June and July with the Ruta Quetzal and the 1st week of March I'll know if I have to go to Madrid on 10th March

Because all that, I'm waiting March. I wish I were in Colombia on July, or better, I wish to were in Italy or Canada or Wales or Norge or... in any UWC studing there.

I want to train athletics now!!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

My knee

I have hurt my knee and now I can't walk.
It's a very big problem because I do athletism, I go everyday walking to school,...
Now I can't do anything!!!
I go to school (by car, of course) and that all. I don't go to Conservatory, I don't train,...
I'm fed up!
If only I weren't ill!

Goodbye from my bed...

Monday, January 9, 2012

United World Colleges - Part 2

Hello, yesterday I told you I will tell you more things because in that moment I did'n have time.Now, I want to speak you about the United World Colleges, again. Why again?, you are asking to yourself. Because yesterday, I sent the apply for the UWC.My history with the United World Colleges is short. It start a normal day in October when my mum said me that there are special colleges around the world, called United Word Colleges.When I listened that, I started to search information about this colleges. On Internet. Of course, I saw the official web of the UWC, the official spanish web of UWC (CMU, Colegios del Mundo Unido, here)and I saw to a lot of interesting blogs of spanish people that they are in ine of this colleges and they tell their adventure in their UWC. The best blog of a spanish person in a UWC it's the Lea's blog. She is a woman that she's in Flekke, in Norge in the Red Cross Nordic United World College (RCNUWC), the name of her blog is "Ylvi in Flekke". There are more blogs, like "livingfromto" and others, if you know more say me, please.
I read a lot of webs and I know (almost) all about the United World Colleges.There are a lot people that they'll apply or they have applied for one of this "scholarship".
It's really difficult that 1.035 persons applied for that last year!!!!

I have only onething to say:
The UWC, what a beautiful dream!... wish, hope...

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I said you this Christmas holidays I'd write a lot, but I haven't written a lot this Christmas holidays. I have a lot of things to say you but I don't have time! I tell you quickly.
I have just sent the apply for the United Word Colleges. I want to go to a United World College!! I wish me luck.
This holidays I have been doing the Ruta Quetzal's work and now it's amazing! I haven't sent it yet but very soon... I wish me luck too.
Tomorrow I finish the holidays and I start the class and witn a French exam!
I have told you very few things, later, I will tell you all
But now I don't have time