Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas holidays

Hello! Finally the Christmas holidays has come. Now I don't have to wake me up soon, I don't have to pass 6 hours at the school and 3 or 4 at the Conservatory. I can get up late, I can play with the PlayStation 3 a lot of time, I can meet with my friends always, I can do what I want!
However I have to finish the Ruta Quetzal's work, I have to complete the request of the United World Colleges, and... I have to do a lot of homeworks!!! In Christmas!!! It makes me see red!!! It's outrageous!!! There are holidays!!! The holidays are to sleep, play with the PlayStation and to meet with the friends!
At least, I have 2 weeks in front of me to do everything.

Changing the subject, I have passed an awesome Christmas eve and Christmas day, here, in my family, Santaclaus is less important than ''los 3 reyes magos'' (the traduction, more or less, is: the three wizard kings, I don't know if you know them). In my family, Santaclaus give only books (this year he has given me one that his name is ''Como contar hasta el infinito y otros 34 usos prácticos de las matemáticas''(How to count to infinitif and other 34 practical uses of maths), it's fantastic! He's given me two books of  ''Zits'' it's the Jeremy Duncan's life, it's very funny!

I say you goodbye and I can only say... HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ruta Quetzal

Sorry, I'm going to write this article in Spanish, because Ruta Quetzal is Spanish.
La Ruta Quetzal BBVA básicamente es un viaje de estudios, en los meses de junio y julio de cada año, en el que un grupo de jóvenes de entre 15 y 17 años se embarcan en una  aventura apasionante que los lleva a recorrer España y un país Iberoamericano. Para ir tiene que darte una beca (los patrocinadores, quien pone el dinero, son muchos, entre ellos destacan BBVA y Panama Jack). Para conseguir que te den la beca, has de hacer un trabajo sobre uno de los temas que ellos te dan, el trabajo puede ser de investigación, artístico, musical, literario,... Hay una normas básicas necesarias para hacer el trabajo.
En caso de que seas un afortunado y te den la beca, durante la 2ª mitad de junio y la 1ª de julio, vivirás una de las mejores experiencias de tu vida. Recorrerás un país de Iberoamérica (este año Colombia) 2 semanas y otras 2 recorrerás España. Eso sí, la Ruta no es sencilla y te tocará caminar mucho, para poder disfrutar de paisajes maravillosos. En compañía de otros muchos jóvenes de tu edad, pasarás uno de los mejores meses de tu vida sin lugar a dudas.

Sí, he puesto uno de los episodios más duros, no dramaticéis, que, en verdad, tiene que ser alucinante!
Ojalá pueda yo este verano disfrutar de ese mes, y, sin más preámbulos, me despido dejando este vídeo de un capítulo de la Ruta Quetzal.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

United World Colleges

Today, I'm going to speak about the United World Colleges (UWC). 
When I write in Google search: UWC and when I choose the first web, I can see the Official Web of United World Colleges. First thing that I can see is 'Who we are' and I can read: UWC schools, colleges and programmes deliver a challenging and transformative educational experience to a diverse cross section of students, inspiring them to create a more peaceful and sustainable future.
I think this experience has to be amazing, awesome,... great! I would like to be in one of this schools next year, I'm in 4ºESO and I'm going to apply for it.
There are colleges in: Wales, Italy, Holland, Norge, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, China, India and Swaziland.
My favourites are Italy, Holland, Canada, Wales and Norge.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New York New York

I'm going to pass a week with my grandparents, in their house. My parents are going to go to New York!! (at this moment they are in the plane!) Wow, it's fantastic.
And for that, I have to pass a week in my grandparents' house, yes, without Internet.
The 4 first day, my aunt Inma is with us, but on wednesday, she'll go to Valencia.
I think, it can be funny, I'll try to take it happy.
I can't say something more. This week I can't write, but the next week, I'll tell you how it has been.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The end of the term

We are in the end of the first term and I have a lot of exams and works to do. The next week I have 6 exams! and I'm doing the Ruta Quetzal's work, I'm doing all that and still I have time to read ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire'' (yes, in English, it's fantastic, isn't it?).
Today is my grandfather's birthday (he's 82 years old), the oldest person in my family, and yesterday it was the Manuel's birthday (he's 1 year old), the youngest person in my family (it's strange, isn't it?).
Finally, I want to say that this end of term it's being really wonderful, between exams, birthdays, books and films (I want to see ''The pianist'', ''The road'', and ''Sex friends''), I don't have time for the blog (I'm sorry!). I wish to write more but I promise you that in Christmas I'll write more.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

English exam

Tomorrow I have an English exam.
In this exam, I have to learn the vocabulary of electronic equipment, because the name of this unit (the unit 2 in the book "Energy") is "Being a DJ", then we have to learn the names of the DJ's equipment. This is: record deck, CD player, headphones, mixer,... but too: play, stop, rewind, fast forward, skip back, skip forward,... It isn't very difficult!
Ah! I have to know too the famous "reported statements". It's easy, we can use 2 verbs: say and tell (with personal pronouns). In Spanish it's the same.
The last thing that we have to know is some words: gig, slim, knowledge, lyrics, lifestyle, beats, patience, tracks, atmosphere, to cue, decks and records.
It isn't a very dificult exam and I think that I can pass the exam with a 9. I think and I want it.
I will tell how I did the exam

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hello! My name is Víctor Navarro Fernández (I'm spanish) and I have created this blog because it's a good exercise for practise English.
Sometimes I'll write things in English but I'll write things in Spanish too (because I'm spanish, it's imposible to write everything in English!)
I'll write things about music, about the UWC, about Ruta Quetzal,... Don't be impatient, I'll tell you everything.
If you read something wrong, please, tell me with a coment!