Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holidays in the beach

Hello guys! I'm in the beach. Yes, it looks like perfect, but it isn't so perfect. Because this week I have some friends here, but next week I'll be here alone, alone and bored! Bff! I think I'll find something to do, and to not be bored all ths month.

I have passed three exciting weeks (the two first weeks were the best, but the third was amazing to). And now, here, I feel alone... I don't have 3G in my mobile phone, but I get find some wifis jajaja Because I need to chat with them, really! If I don't speak with them just one day... I don't know (and don't want to know) what would happen... :(
Awesome, just two awesome weeks!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Well, I have a social project. I went to AxC to make better this project and now it's a real project and I'm going to do it so good (jajaja). No, I write that because I have created a new blog to tell everything about my new project (it's in spanish), and I'm not going to tell here something about it because that too. But of course, yo can go into this blog and to know all about it. It's very interesant.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The return...

Yes, sorry...  I have been a lot of time without write here... I'm so sorry! But I'm here again and I have a lot of subjects to write about!

I have been the UWC Spain SummerProgramme called "Action x Change" and it has been awesome. I have been too in the Spanish Scientifics Camps, in Santiago de Compostela, working in a project about the most energetic particles of the Universe, it was not so awesome like Action x Change but it was really great too.
I have passed a very beautiful start-of-summer and I wish the rest of the summer were so excited too! :)
Now, I have a lot of free time and this summer I'm going to write here so much... About my new socal project, about others projects, about loads of wonderful things. They are son interesants.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Goodbye to Bulgaria

Yes, I know, I must apologiseto you because I haven't written since last month.
A lot of things have happened in this time! And, I haven't time to tell you everything, but of course I'm going to tell you the most important things.

I wanted to go to a summer camp in Bulgaria (to the American University in Bulgaria) to practise the English, but I can't go, why? I want to go too to a scientific university camp (here in Spain) and, before to know about the Bulgarian camp I completed the application and I chose the third week of July (and the Bulgarian camp is the first, second and third week of July). Although I could change the week that I had chosen, I forgot to change it... and yesterday I do the last exam to go to the scientific camp and I sent it. Now I can't change the week, so... goodbye to Bulgaria. I think it would be an amazing experience...
I wait I'd go to the scientific camp, because if I don't go... grrr

More news, and this is a good news. Next year I'll do the International Baccalaureat, no in a UWC, but here. I'm happy for that but I think I have to study a lot!

I'll tell you if finally I'll go to the scientific camp or what I'm going to do with the Conservatory next year...
At least I think I have grown up a lot (not in size, in mind) in this time. I think now I'm a more responsabily and self-sufficient person :) I have understanded I have to enjoy the moment, I have to think less in the future... I have to carpe diem


Saturday, April 28, 2012

The war at house

I have discovered an american sitcom so great. "THE WAR AT HOUSE", do you know it? It's amazing.
I think it's almost good than "How I met your mopther".
WHen I grew up, I want to be like Dave Gold. It's simply great!
Watch it!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I've just applied for the UWC Camps

I have just applied for the UWC Spain Summer Camps, called "Action x change". I think it's an amazing opportunity. To pass two weeks in the UWC world must be great.

I you want to apply for the UWC Spain Summer Camps, you have to create a social proyect. My proyect is about the children healthy and the cultural exchange in my town.
If you have one of the 35 better social proyects, you'll be selected. Then, you'll pay 1300 € and you'll pass two of the better weeks in your life in Alcalá de Henares.
If you have economics problems, UWC Spain have a "grants bag" to pay you the 1300 €. 
I think it isn't cheap for two weeks, but I think that money would be very good spent.

If you want a suggestion, make a social proyect, send it and apply for the UWC Spain Summer Camps, if don't want to go then to Alcalá (because it's too expensivs or because the reason that you have) then don't go. But, at least, make a social proyect, al lot of people will be happy if you make a social proyect.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I have already arrived

I'm here again. I'm not going to tell you stuffs about the travel (I have been in Castilla-La Mancha in a trip) because it has been extremely normal, there aren't  loads of stuffs to tell.

So, I'm goint to tell you stuffs about the UWC Summer Camps. I think they aren't cheep, but they must be great. I have to do a social project an to apply for it. See it in www.colegiosmundounido.es

Now I'm going to eat. When I think in something to say toyou, I'll write more, because at the moment... :8

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sorry for the waiting

Sorry for the waiting, I have been in Segovia, Burgos, León and Salamanca with my school. I have been there for a week and I couldn't write nothing.
It was good (the trip) but it could be better. Now, I love Salamanca. It's a students city, it's full of students.
We went out a night to a popular pub, and it was full of students... at two o'clock in the morning... a tuesday... they had class next wednesday at nine o'clock in the morning...
It was amazing!
Now I don't have time to write more, but this week it's Easter and it's holidays, so... I'll write more.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Goodbye to the UWC... at the moment

Yesterday I read the UWC Spain's e.mail. It said to me that, next year, I won't study live in a UWC. It's a very sad news for me , because I'd like to go to Ruta Quetzal, but over all, I'd like to live in a UWC during next two years too much... It's true here I'm going to have an execellent life, and I'm going to be near my family and friends, but it isn't so special like a life in a UWC. I have had a good marks, but not ''Excellent'' in all.

At least, I have a year to continue dreaming, because next year I'll apply againg, of course!
I just want to wish good luck to all the selected people. You must be amazing! :)

                                            Here a motivation to apply again next year...

I wish I'd tell you in this blog next year I'm preselected to a grant (or schoolarship?) of UWC...

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Actually, every day I go into some blogs about the UWC by spanish people who are in a UWC. Here, I write the URLs:
- http://livingfromto.wordpress.com
- http://ylviimnetz.wordpress.com
- http://walkingthroughapath.wordpress.com
Reading this blogs (the blogs are in spanish) I can imagine how would be my life if I were in a UWC. It would be (of course) amazing. I know it almost impossible, but I love to dream.

Specially I would like to write about Livingfromto (http://livingfromto.wordpress.com). It's a blog where all the people who was selected to be in a UWC during 2011-2013. Almost all the articles are from China (of Jose Antonio) or from Canada (of Alba). They told a lot of things very interesting and when I go into the blog and I see there's a new post, I know I can put my headphones, listen ''Charlie Brown'' of Coldplay and dream.
Please, if you're someone of the people who write in this blogs, don't stop of write! Please!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Here I write you an article of the writter Arutro Pérez-Reverte. It's in spanish, but now I don't have time, I have a lot of exams. I promise you, next week I will translate the article. But now, read and get outrageous.

EL GOBIERNO: Ha bajado el sueldo a los funcionarios, suprimido el cheque-bebé, congelado las pensiones y reducido la ayuda al desempleo, (EL PARO), para afrontar la crisis que han generado los bancos los políticos y los especuladores bursátiles.
Nos gustaría transmitirle al Gobierno lo siguiente:
Dediquen su empeño en rebajar LA VERGÜENZA DEL FRAUDE FISCAL,que en España se sitúa alrededor del 23% del P.I.B. (10 puntos por encima de la media europea) y por el que se pierden miles de millones de €uros, fraude que repercute en mayores impuestos para los ciudadanos honestos.
TENGAN LA VERGÜENZA de hacer un plan para que la Banca devuelva al erario público los miles de millones de euros que Vds. les han dado para aumentar los beneficios de sus accionistas y directivos; en vez de facilitar el crédito a las familias y a las empresas, erradicar las comisiones por los servicios bancarios y que dejen de cobrar a los españoles más humildes €30.01, cada vez que su menguada cuenta se queda sin saldo. Cosa que ocurre cada 1º de mes cuando les cargan las facturas de colegios, comunidades, telefonía, Etc. y aun no les han abonado la nómina.
PONGAN COTO a los desmanes de las empresas de telefonía y de ADSL que ofrecen los servicios más caros de Europa y de peor calidad.
HAGAN que los políticos corruptos de sus partidos devuelvan el dinero equivalente a los perjuicios que han causado al erario público con su mala gestión o/y sus fechorías, y endurezcan el Código Penal con procedimientos judiciales más rápidos y con castigos ejemplares para ellos.
INDECENTE, es que el salario mínimo de un trabajador sea de 624 €/mes y el de un diputado de 3.996, pudiendo llegar, con dietas y otras prebendas, a 6.500 €/mes. Y bastantes más por diferentes motivos que se le pueden agregar.
INDECENTE, es que un profesor, un maestro, un catedrático de universidad o un cirujano de la sanidad pública, ganen menos que el concejal de festejos de un ayuntamiento de tercera.
INDECENTE, es que un ciudadano tenga que cotizar 35 años para percibir una jubilación y a los diputados les baste sólo con siete, y que los miembros del gobierno, para cobrar la pensión máxima, sólo necesiten jurar el cargo.
INDECENTE, es que sus señorías tengan seis meses de vacaciones al año.
INDECENTE, es que ministros, secretarios de estado y altos cargos de la política, cuando cesan, son los únicos ciudadanos de este país que pueden legalmente percibir dos salarios del ERARIO PÚBLICO.
Y que sea cuál sea el color del gobierno, toooooooodos los políticos se benefician de este moderno "derecho de pernada" mientras no se cambien las leyes que lo regula.
¿Y quiénes las cambiarán? ¿Ellos mismos? Já.
Juntemos firmas para que haya un proyecto de ley con "cara y ojos" para acabar con estos privilegios, y con otros.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Goodbye Ruta Quetzal 2012

Goodbye Ruta Quetzal 2012. I haven't been selected to go to Ruta Quetzal 2012. My mark is a 9 and the worst work that has been selected has a 9.75!! It's incredible!

Well it hasn't matter, I would have liked to go, but if it's impossible it hasn't matter I can go to England this summer to learn English :) And I was born in 1996, I have other opportunity! I have learnt some things, and Nex tear I'm going to do the work absolutely perfect!

Finally, congratulations to all selected people, your works has to be amazings!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Life in the Universe

As I have seen the article most visited is ''Before there was nothing'', I'm going to write something more about the Universe.

Today I want to write about the planets and satellites where maybe there're life.
First, I just a date: we live in the Milky Way, in the Milky Way there're 200.000 millions of stars in 100.000 lightyears of diameter (approximately). The visible Universe measure around lightyears and until today we could count around 125 billions of galaxys in the Universe...
REALLY DO YOU THINK WE ARE ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE? I don't say intelligent life, I say life like microorganism...
It's true the life need very specific conditions to be life, but... in such a big space!

The first planet where we tought there was like was Mars, but... after a lot of years we didn't find life in Mars. But that don't want to say there aren't life in the Solar System...
The Saturn's satellite Titan can be to have live. Titan it's very similar to the Earth. Titan has seas and mountains! But the Titan seas aren't of water (H2O), they are of methane (CH4). It's more difficult that there were life in a methane sea, but... why not?
Even in Jupiter can be life. Under all the Jupiter gas (JUpiter is a gas planet) the enormous preassures of their atmosphere make the gas became liquid, and in that liquid can be life. That it's really really difficult, more that the methane seas in Titan, but... why not?
Out of the Solar System we have find 759 planet (called exoplanets). In some of them can be life.
The most eye-catching are Gliese 581 g, HD 85512 b and Gliese 581 d.

The scietists must to continue searching and finding exoplanets, because I can't belive we're alone in the Universe (and the panspermia, theory that propose the life in the Earth is because microorganism came here with meteorites and rest here until today and they have gone evoluted, it's not true).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The murderer of PowerPoint

Today I have done my first presentation with Prezi, a new (for me) programme to do presentations. It's more dinamic than PowerPoint and it's more cool. It's simply better.

I don't try out the Apple's presentations programme, but I have tried out the Microsoft's presentations programme and OpenOffice's presentation programme yet and I can (no, must) tell you that you should try out Prezi. Write "Prezi" on Google search and the first result is his web page, or better... Click here: http://prezi.com/index/ Go into this page and do some presentations... It's awesome! I'm going to suprise my friends on tuesday (I have to do a presentation about evola fever) I'm going to be their idol, their god...

That's all, don't forget, try it out!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


This isn't an article. I would like to say (and I'm going to say), ladies and gentlemen,... I have a 9,2 in the English's Unit exam! Jajaja And I've a 9 in the listening exam and a 10 in the reading exam!! Jajaja
This blog is making me to learn English... Jajaja

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Listening Tchaikovsky

At this moment, I'm listening Sérénade mélancolique in B minor for violin and orchestra (it's a such a beautiful sérénade, you should listen to it). I'm not in the school because  today I don't have school, so I'm writing another article.

When my family read "Seapations of powers and other critics", they told me they were really surprised, they didn't heard me to critic the politicians (or they didn't want to heard me) but like they said they were surprised, I'm going to get used to them.
Now, I don't have so much time (tomorrow I have a difficult biology exam), so I'm writing about the education in Spain (I'm going to write about that because I don't want to critic any ideology, all governments have the same fault).
If there're something in Spain we can be satisfied it's our education. We have here one of the better educations. Spanish doctors, philosophers, physics, mathematics, biologists, writers, (even sportsman and sportswoman, jajaja, in spite of Canal+ France said)... are the best. The pupil here, when he finishes his studies, he's very well-educated and highly-trained, but when he finishes his studies (after 6 years in the primary school, 4 in the secondary school, 2 in the high-school, 5 in the university, masters, courses, doctorates,... and there aren't work to him here, there aren't jobs to him... (normally is there are jobs, the jobs are really bad payed). Then, what can he do? Easy, travel to abroad, and work there. With his preparation in other contries all factories want you! But here there're not works.
It's a really strong problem because with your taxes you're paying the public educations, the public grants, the public schoolarships,... his education. And when he's ready to make progress Spain, he travel to work in the abroad (to make progress other contry, leave Spain behind other contries like it), but it isn't his fault! It's because he can't find any work here...
I don't say that politicians fault, I wouldn't know how to solve this problem. Just the opposite! I think they're doing good that. We have a very good education here, and we make very higher-trainer professionals. We only have to make good works... 

Here the Tchaikovsky's Sérénade mélancolique

Friday, February 10, 2012

The separation of powers and other critics

I'm sorry for the people who has come to this blog finding the photos of my Ruta Quetzal's work, but I'm really outrageous.

I'm outrageous.In special with the politicians If PSOE had ruined us, PP is not better. PP has passed some laws really outrageous, like to reduce expenses in education and health and give more money to kill animals because ''it's funny''. But that is a anecdote compared with the violation (that MAYBE we're suffring) of separation of powers. The three powers: Government, Chamber of Deputies/Senate and Justice. We knew alredy that, like PP have more that 50% of deputies and senators at Chamber of Deputies and Senate, all laws PP propose, will be pass in the Chamber of Deputies.  Then there are just two powers: Government and Justice. And now the judgement against Camps and Garzón has been finished with a very suspect result in favour of PP's minds!
Maybe it's chance, but it's really suspect. Overall if we keep in mind the wire taps, but however, the judges say there aren't evidences enough...
And the Garzón desqualification for 11 years.... It makes me see red. Are the PP's people so irritating for the investigation of the Franquismo crimes? Everything appears that... yes. Maybe because he was going to find guilties and, before he found a guilty, they disqualify Garzón and they prohibit the investigation continues...

Don't misunderstant me, I'm not of PSOE, no way! (tehir deep reduces in education and health and the ''so nice present'' they give to us make me see red too. Yes, constructors and bankers have had a lot of fault too...). And if I'm crtizing to PP now it's because they're are the new government and in 2 months they have made me see red loads of times.

I think I can say to the politiciens: WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU ALREDY!
We only can to shout in front of TV or to write in blogs like this, but if a politicien read this for chance, I'm sure this article makes the politicien laugh...

Apart of minds of everyone, I'm happy because I can write an article so difficult like this in English!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Ruta Quetzal's work (Victoria)

Here some photos of my Ruta Quetzal's work. It's nice, isn't it? But it is not easy go to Colombia!! It's really difficult!! Now it's time to wait March....

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Before, there was nothing

Now I'm going to write something about my favourite subject,

Always I have thought that, beetwen all the subjects I have in the school, Physics is really that I love more, it's my favourite. In my free time I read loads of books of Physics. Names like Hawking, Einstein, Asimov, Newton,... are always in the cover of my favourite books. Really I love all Physics books, in special the books about the Space, the Universe, the Phyisics of the Universe (this is the reason that the videos ''The Universe'' of the Channel History are my favourite videos). 
I admire a lot all the super-scientists that they have done (and they are doing) very important discoveries in the Physics (specialy in the cosmology). All of them, since the most famous like Einstein, Hawking, Asimov, Newton up to youngest scientist that they have done something for the Physics. When I read their theories, their experiments,... I'm amezed, I'm really surprised. However, now, I'm listening the Bach's suite number three to Orchestra, I have found an article on Internet where I could read: ''Tha sciencists thinks before the Big Bang (or Singularity) there are nothing, absolutely nothing, not space, not even time! I have read it before, but now that, I'm here, in my bed, because my knee don't let me go out with my friends, and Bach music makes me think, I have realised that it's really incomprehensible to the human mind and it's really absurd. I just want to express my ignorance, but don't say me that it's really absurd.
"Before the Singularity there are nothing, not space, not time,... nothing". Tha sciencist say it because out of the Universe there are nothing. Well, the human logic say you: if there are nothing, nothing nothing (that's impossible to imagine for the human mind), How have it happened? How, suddenly, there was an explosion and it created everithing? If there are NOTHING thay could do it!!
And, an explosion? If the cosmis microwave background radiation is uniform, sure that there was an explosion? Couldn't a point grow up very quickly (but without explosion an uniformly)? But I don't have all the informations, and that isni't the theme.
Coming back to the subject, no. There was nothing. So simple but so difficult to imagine for the human mind (so difficult, no impossible). It's a mistery.

I just wait that misteries like this, were resolved before I dead. From here I want to wishing good luck to the sciencist (and the future sciencist).

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Universe

You have to watch The Universe, a Channel History serial. It's awesome, if are not idea about the things of the Universe, ¡n that videos you're going to understand everything and you're and going to learn a lot. But if know loads of things about the Universel, you are not going to  be bored, you're going to learn a lot of things too.
It's amazing. I'm very interesting in everything about the Universe and when I discovered that, I enjoyed a lot. Watch it!

This video is about Pulsars and Quasars (the video is in Spanish, but in Youtube the video is in English too) there are a lot of videos of this serial. This is one of the most amazing videos that I have watched.

Enjoy it!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Waiting March

This morning I went to Cartagena (to the hospital Sta Lucía, it's a very nice hospital). Finally I can go to Conservatory next Monday!! My knee is better and maybe I can train athletics on March, I want to train it now!! I want to be on March now because I'll train again and...
I have applied two years in a UWC and on March I'll know if I have to go to Madrid 1st April,
I have done a work to go to Colombia and Spain on June and July with the Ruta Quetzal and the 1st week of March I'll know if I have to go to Madrid on 10th March

Because all that, I'm waiting March. I wish I were in Colombia on July, or better, I wish to were in Italy or Canada or Wales or Norge or... in any UWC studing there.

I want to train athletics now!!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

My knee

I have hurt my knee and now I can't walk.
It's a very big problem because I do athletism, I go everyday walking to school,...
Now I can't do anything!!!
I go to school (by car, of course) and that all. I don't go to Conservatory, I don't train,...
I'm fed up!
If only I weren't ill!

Goodbye from my bed...

Monday, January 9, 2012

United World Colleges - Part 2

Hello, yesterday I told you I will tell you more things because in that moment I did'n have time.Now, I want to speak you about the United World Colleges, again. Why again?, you are asking to yourself. Because yesterday, I sent the apply for the UWC.My history with the United World Colleges is short. It start a normal day in October when my mum said me that there are special colleges around the world, called United Word Colleges.When I listened that, I started to search information about this colleges. On Internet. Of course, I saw the official web of the UWC, the official spanish web of UWC (CMU, Colegios del Mundo Unido, here)and I saw to a lot of interesting blogs of spanish people that they are in ine of this colleges and they tell their adventure in their UWC. The best blog of a spanish person in a UWC it's the Lea's blog. She is a woman that she's in Flekke, in Norge in the Red Cross Nordic United World College (RCNUWC), the name of her blog is "Ylvi in Flekke". There are more blogs, like "livingfromto" and others, if you know more say me, please.
I read a lot of webs and I know (almost) all about the United World Colleges.There are a lot people that they'll apply or they have applied for one of this "scholarship".
It's really difficult that 1.035 persons applied for that last year!!!!

I have only onething to say:
The UWC, what a beautiful dream!... wish, hope...

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I said you this Christmas holidays I'd write a lot, but I haven't written a lot this Christmas holidays. I have a lot of things to say you but I don't have time! I tell you quickly.
I have just sent the apply for the United Word Colleges. I want to go to a United World College!! I wish me luck.
This holidays I have been doing the Ruta Quetzal's work and now it's amazing! I haven't sent it yet but very soon... I wish me luck too.
Tomorrow I finish the holidays and I start the class and witn a French exam!
I have told you very few things, later, I will tell you all
But now I don't have time