Saturday, February 4, 2012

Before, there was nothing

Now I'm going to write something about my favourite subject,

Always I have thought that, beetwen all the subjects I have in the school, Physics is really that I love more, it's my favourite. In my free time I read loads of books of Physics. Names like Hawking, Einstein, Asimov, Newton,... are always in the cover of my favourite books. Really I love all Physics books, in special the books about the Space, the Universe, the Phyisics of the Universe (this is the reason that the videos ''The Universe'' of the Channel History are my favourite videos). 
I admire a lot all the super-scientists that they have done (and they are doing) very important discoveries in the Physics (specialy in the cosmology). All of them, since the most famous like Einstein, Hawking, Asimov, Newton up to youngest scientist that they have done something for the Physics. When I read their theories, their experiments,... I'm amezed, I'm really surprised. However, now, I'm listening the Bach's suite number three to Orchestra, I have found an article on Internet where I could read: ''Tha sciencists thinks before the Big Bang (or Singularity) there are nothing, absolutely nothing, not space, not even time! I have read it before, but now that, I'm here, in my bed, because my knee don't let me go out with my friends, and Bach music makes me think, I have realised that it's really incomprehensible to the human mind and it's really absurd. I just want to express my ignorance, but don't say me that it's really absurd.
"Before the Singularity there are nothing, not space, not time,... nothing". Tha sciencist say it because out of the Universe there are nothing. Well, the human logic say you: if there are nothing, nothing nothing (that's impossible to imagine for the human mind), How have it happened? How, suddenly, there was an explosion and it created everithing? If there are NOTHING thay could do it!!
And, an explosion? If the cosmis microwave background radiation is uniform, sure that there was an explosion? Couldn't a point grow up very quickly (but without explosion an uniformly)? But I don't have all the informations, and that isni't the theme.
Coming back to the subject, no. There was nothing. So simple but so difficult to imagine for the human mind (so difficult, no impossible). It's a mistery.

I just wait that misteries like this, were resolved before I dead. From here I want to wishing good luck to the sciencist (and the future sciencist).

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